
Falling in love is a wonderful thing,
but there is nothing more satisfying than falling in love
with a human being. I have fallen for the cities with lights
that tell me even the dark can be beautiful, and I have
fallen in love with rainy days and sweet summer sunsets.
I’ve fallen for the way hands hold teacups delicately, and
I’ve dreamt about soft bedsheets whispering against my legs.
Fireworks that show the sparks in the air and the way the
sun dances along the roads and mountaintops. The first
snowfall and the hot chocolate that awaits when you drift
back inside. 

But falling in love with another person,
is something that will never be compared to,
because out of the billions of chances on this planet, you
are given the chance to fall in love with mistakes. A
person who’s breath smells in the mornings and has a
messy room. You get to fall in love with their fault lines
created from earthquakes of their past. You fall in love with
their scabbed knees, and sometimes you collect a few of your
own on the way. You learn that there would be nothing to cherish
if there were no flaws. Falling in love with another human is a
poem before it has been edited – raw and true. 

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